AOA has scheduled three Lunch and Learns to share info about outdoor recreation infrastructure funding opportunities and the new federal data about the sector's economic impact in Alaska. Lunch and Learns are Wednesdays at Noon and free of charge. Pre-registration is required.
Nov. 2 @ Noon. Bike - Walk & Roll: Connecting Communities to Resources to Keep Alaska Moving. Alaska Statewide Active Transportation Planner Julius Adolfsson and Alaska Public Health Specialist Jessie Doherty team up to explain how they are working together to keep Alaska moving and the many sources of state and federal funds available to make Alaska a more bike, walk and roll-friendly state. Click to register.
Nov. 16 @ Noon. Trends in Alaska's Outdoor Recreation Economy by the Numbers. How does what you saw and experienced outdoors during the pandemic times match up with what happened at Alaska businesses? US Bureau of Economic Analysis Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account Analyst Stanislaw "Stas" Rzeznik will share the new national and state-level data to answer this question, let us know which businesses fared better than others and answer audience questions during this Lunch and Learn session. Click to register.
Dec. 7 @ Noon. CAPSIS 101 CAPSIS is the system the state legislature uses to log and track requests for funding. It's the place outdoor advocates should start when contemplating asking legislators to include funding for them in the state budget. In this session, you'll learn the basics on how, when and why to use CAPSIS from legislative staffer Mercedes Colbert and Mariyam Medovaya of Alaska Trails. Click to register.